My name is Nur Aisyah binti Md Akhir.I was born on 26 of March 1999.I am the youngest one in 7 siblings.I have one brother and five sisters.I live in Felda Lepar Hilir 01.It is just 15 minutes from Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang.
  About my family...my mom is a single mother and she took care of us alone.She is a strong woman and determined.Of course,she is my main idol.She is my mother,my father and also my friend.I love to share all kind of story with her.I also have another backbone,my siblings.The older one is my only one brother and five sister.
   About me instead..I am a cheerful person.I love to be friend with all the people.Im a good listener. MAYBE.For me,all people deserve better.I know sometimes I make mistakes and I cannot run from it.The solution is,stay strong and face the mistake and also try to change it.
   Like another people,I also have my own ambition.I want to be an interior designer.It is my vision since I was in secondary school.My friend wonder,why I still here?Why I did not straight continue to my course?For me,matriculation is the first step for me to achieve my ambition.Everything we do in our life,there must have it own reason.Okay thats all from me.

Thank you :D

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